Did you know that you can qualify for a mortgage using the following non-traditional methods for calculating your income?
12 or 24 month business bank statement loan
Previous 1 or 2 year’s 1099 forms
Asset qualifier or depletion
1 year tax trerurn
Minimum down-payments are 10%-20%
Other benefits of using
a Non-QM loan:
Can close in an LLC
Can reduce cost by opting for a pre-payment penalty
Ask about the D.S.C.R. loan
Why do homebuyers use The Todd Hanley Mortgage
Team for their Non-QM loan?
Because they wanted EXPERT knowledge they can trust & an LO who understands the purchase market and knows how to GET YOUR OFFER ACCEPTED. United Direct Lending also has lightening quick closing times, great communication and, REALLY GREAT RATES!
What’s your rate?
Working with a mortgage broker allows you access to multiple lenders. It pays to have options!